It's been a whole year. A lot has changed, including the name. I'm going to try hitting the highlights.
- Enderics, Mycelimancy, Lunarmancy, Herbology, Zoology, Chronomancy, and Diabolism have been replaced by Hieromancy, Astromancy, Animancy, Chaotics, Spectromancy, and Umbramancy.
- New Spells including Spectral Hand, Tremor, Meteor Strike, Shadow Spy and more
- The Catalyst Basin, The Crystal Ball, The Spell Forge, The Brazier, new Metals, Gems, and Plants like the Brambleberry, which is edible.
- Improvements to the Podium, Spellbooks, Teapot, and Wands
- New Structures
- Compatibility with Dynamics Trees, and some tweaks to the Schools of Magic trees
- New building materials
- A new Dimension that is not fully implemented
- A new Boss that is not fully implemented, the Sphinx