Hardcore Revival [Mod]

Hardcore Revival is a mod that will add some versatility to Minecraft’s most complicated mode, Hardcore mode. This mod is mainly intended for those hardcore games that we share with other players. As you know, when we die in hardcore mode our world is erased and we will not be able to enter that world again. This, means that playing with friends, if we die, we can ruin the game.

This mod was born to prevent the death of one of the hardcore players from ruining the game for the rest of the players. With this mod installed, when a player dies, he has a second chance, as the rest of the players will have the chance to revive the dead player. There is a time limit to revive a player, so if we manage to do so, we can continue playing, but if we don’t manage to do so, the game will be eventually deleted.

When a player dies, with this mod installed, he will be able to use the chat to communicate with the rest of the players. Also, although he won’t be able to move, he will be able to look around, so he can give indications to other players about where he is or what things are near his character.

How to install Hardcore Revival Mod

  • Download Minecraft Forge
  • Download Hardcore Revival Mod 1.15.2
  • Double click on the downloaded Forge file to run the installer.
  • Paste the content of the downloaded mod into the .minecraft/mods folder
  • Now you can relive your friends in hardcore mode!

Download Hardcore Revival [Mod]

Minecraft VersionVersionDateDownload
Hardcore Revival [Mod] for 17, 2020Download page
Hardcore Revival [Mod] for 28, 2019Download page
Hardcore Revival [Mod] for 18, 2020Download page
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