Inventory Tweaks Reborn

Inventory Tweaks 1.15.2 is a mod that makes several versions that stopped being updated by its creator, but thanks to the community, we can enjoy its functions again. This is a mod that will allow us to put in order the inventories of the game, both of our character, as chests, shulkers, machines and any item that has its own inventory.

With this mod installed, within the inventory of the character or the inventory of a block or item, we will find new buttons. These buttons will allow us to group identical items and order them, to free up space and have a clearer view of what is in the inventory. The same thing can be done in the character’s inventory by pressing the “R” key.

How to install Inventory Tweaks Mod?

  • Download Minecraft Forge 1.15.2
  • Download Inventory Tweaks Mod 1.15.2
  • Double click on the downloaded Forge file to run the installer.
  • Paste the downloaded mod file into .minecraft/mods
  • All that’s left is to sort and classify inventories!

Download Inventory Tweaks Reborn

Minecraft VersionVersionDateDownload
Inventory Tweaks Reborn for 18, 2020Download page
5/5 - (9 votes)