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Create Date
March 17, 2021
Last Updated
March 17, 2021
- Fixed Uncrafter item dupe bug introduced in a very recent version.
- Melter: Magma now melts into 1k per block instead of 500.
- Curse enchant no longer triggers against forge FakePlayers (machines that attack for example).
- Fixed Growth enchant restricted to only hoes, and lowered its rarity.
- Tags added to all fluids, for example 'cyclic:honey' fluid is now tagged as fluid #forge:honey.
- Cables can now extract from multiple places at once, not only a single one.
- Fixed wrench tags to use 'forge:tools/wrench' for compatibility.
- Cables now respond to any item that is a 'forge:tools/wrench', even from other mods.
- Cable Wrench updated: no more attacking to swap modes; instead use the normal interaction click and it goes through normal-extract-blocked in a loop.