Blue Skies


What is Blue Skies?

Blue Skies introduces the Everbright and the Everdawn.

It’s filled with fun features, unique environments, tons of weapons, and massive dungeons!

Every dimension has its own theme. The Everbright is very bright, snowy and cold while the Everdawn is dark and warm.

Each of the dimensions that is currently part of a dungeon, will have 2 more dungeons added to its dungeon line.

The Everbright and Everdawn are both connected by a portal, but they are also completely separate worlds, which means you can play on one world and never leave it. This allows you to explore both worlds and discover all of their secrets. You can even play on the same server as other players, who will be on the other dimension. Who is Blue Skies for? Anyone who enjoys playing Minecraft and has ever wished there was something more than just running around in the overworld.

Download Blue Skies

Minecraft VersionVersionDateDownload
Blue Skies for 12, 2022Download page
Blue Skies for 11, 2021Download page
Blue Skies for 3, 2021Download page
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