Ore Excavation Mod

Ore Excavation is a mod that focuses on providing comfort and speed when performing certain tasks in Minecraft. For example, when mining a block of mineral resources, we will get the whole mineral vein. When you cut a block of a tree, you will get all the wood in the tree. While picking crops with a hoe, you will get those mature crops from your orchards.

This speed and convenience focus on the game’s pre-determined tools and their associated functions, i.e. the pick for mining, the axe for felling trees, the hoe for picking crops and the shovel for digging the ground. If you use a tool for a task that is associated with it, you will not be able to benefit from the features that this mod adds.


  • Mine entire ore veins
  • Cut down whole trees
  • Bulk harvest/excavate almost any block
  • Works with almost every modded tool out of the box
  • Tool blacklist (can invert to whitelist)
  • Block blacklist (can invert to whitelist)
  • Configurable speed, size, distance and cost
  • Control preferences per client
  • Per tool overrides for pack developers
  • Ore dictionary support for blacklisting and overrides
  • In game configuration with no restart/reload necessary
  • Built-in TPS guard prevents major game slow down
  • Customisable shape mining
  • Undo command in case of mistakes
  • Customisable block grouping
  • Event hooks for cross-mod integrations and behaviours

How do I install Ore Excavation Mod

  • Download Minecraft Forge
  • Download Ore Excavation Mod
  • Double click on the downloaded Forge file to run the installer.
  • Paste the downloaded mod file into the .minecraft/mods folder
  • We can already enjoy the features this mod adds!

Download Ore Excavation Mod

Minecraft VersionVersionDateDownload
Ore Excavation Mod for 9, 2020Download page
Ore Excavation Mod for 4, 2020Download page
Ore Excavation Mod for 25, 2019Download page
5/5 - (10 votes)

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