Traverse: Legacy Continued

Seventeen new biomes, based on predetermined biomes.

Traverse 1.12.2/1.14.4/1.15.2 focuses on the generation of a total of seventeen new biomes to land generation. These new biomes fit very well with the default biomes, as they are in fact variations of the biomes that already exist by default in Minecraft. So these new biomes will be somewhat different, but not much.

These new biome variations include jungle, forest, hill, desert, grassland, swamp, plateau, glacier and cliff variants, among others. Although these are new biomes, they will continue to maintain the usual generation of mineral resources, as well as materials. The main differences can be observed at the level of vegetation.

Traverse adds a ton of new biomes to your world! There are currently 17 biomes.

  1. Arid Highlands – Mountainous desert with patches of grass and acacia trees.
  2. Autumn wooded hills – Autumn forests with extreme hilly terrain.
  3. Autumn forests – Autumn oak forest.
  4. Coniferous forest – Densely populated high spruces in a varied landscape. Darker green grass, but saturated.
  5. Conifer wooded hills – Tall firs on extreme hilly terrain.
  6. Desert scrub – Patches of desert grass with small oak bushes.
  7. Tall conifer forest – Tall firs on extreme hilly terrain.
  8. Lush swamp – Lush green swamp with tall trees.
  9. Meadow – Lush flat meadow covered with tall grass and flowers.
  10. Mini Jungle – Miniature 2×2 treeless jungle biome, and is quite mountainous and watery.
  11. Plain Plateau – An area of high grassland with few trees and rocks.
  12. Rock edge
  13. Rolling Hills
  14. Snowy conifer forest – A tall, snow-covered fir forest.
  15. Snow-covered conifer forest hills
  16. High conifer snow forest
  17. Wooded plateau
  18. Forests – Plain-like biome with more yellow grass and short trees, shrubs and the occasional fallen tree.

How to install Traverse Mod for Minecraft

  • Download Minecraft Forge 1.15.2
  • Download Traverse Mod 1.15.2
  • Double click on the downloaded Forge file, to run the installer.
  • Paste the downloaded mod file into the .minecraft/mods folder
  • A new world to explore!

Download Traverse: Legacy Continued

Minecraft VersionVersionDateDownload
Traverse: Legacy Continued for 17, 2020Download page
Traverse: Legacy Continued for 9, 2019Download page
Traverse: Legacy Continued for 6, 2018Download page
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